
Budget calendar template 2014
Budget calendar template 2014

budget calendar template 2014

budget calendar template 2014

  • Monthly Check-in Page– This page helps you take a look over the previous month’s finances and gauge what you did well and what you would like to improve for the upcoming month.
  • Pages to Track Variable Monthly Expenses– These sheets track expenses that vary some from month to month like grocery shopping, eating out, gas, clothing, etc.
  • Pages to Track Recurring Expenses– These sheets track bills that stay pretty much the same each month like mortgage/rent, car payments, student loan payments, utility bills, etc.
  • Goal Setting Sheet– Set financial goals for the year so you know exactly what you’re working toward.
  • Cover Page– Keep track of your binder (and make it pretty so you want to use it often)!.
  • (If you click on each of the links below, you can jump right to the explanation for that particular page.) Here’s what to include in a budget binder: There are several key pages that I include in my budget binder each year. What should be included in a budget binder?
  • I like to use a label maker + clear tape to label my divider tabs.
  • Hole Punch (I use this heavy duty one.).
  • Dividers (I like these ones with pockets and these ones without.).
  • A 3-Ring Binder (I like this one and this one.).
  • Paper (I like to use at least 24# and sometimes even go up to 32#.).
  • Printer (I currently use this one and love it.).
  • Here’s what I use to compile my Budget Binder:


    Click to grab your FREE Budget Binder Printables! What supplies do I need to put together a Budget Binder?

    Budget calendar template 2014